Million Mile Lexus LS400 Is Still Alive and (Mostly) Well

The famous million-mile Lexus LS400 lives on, and is still ticking.

By Brett Foote - June 19, 2024
Million Mile Lexus LS400 Is Still Alive and (Mostly) Well
Million Mile Lexus LS400 Is Still Alive and (Mostly) Well
Million Mile Lexus LS400 Is Still Alive and (Mostly) Well
Million Mile Lexus LS400 Is Still Alive and (Mostly) Well
Million Mile Lexus LS400 Is Still Alive and (Mostly) Well

A Legend Resurfaces

The "million-mile Lexus," as it's known, is easily the most famous LS400 on earth, and it's one that has changed hands several times over the years as part of an ongoing quest to see just how long the luxury sedan will keep on ticking. After actually reaching the million-mile point some time ago, YouTuber Freddy "Tavarish" Hernandez took possession of it, but it proceeded to sit for a couple of years - until just recently, that is. 


Originally, Hernandez planned on slapping a turbo on the well-worn sedan and running it until it finally blew up, but he later changed his mind and has instead returned it to running condition after it had a dead battery following a long rest. Of course, it isn't in the best condition overall, as one would assume. 

Many Problems

Aside from its peeling paint and ragged exterior, the LS400 is leaking oil, and things like the air conditioning and radio stopped working a long time ago. There's a big rust hole underneath, and the suspension has obviously seen better days, too. 

Many Things Working

Regardless, it's still amazing that many things still work - including the sunroof and the A/C compressor spins, along with little things like the clock and speedometer, to boot. Heck, the car is even still capable of performing a burnout, which one wouldn't expect from its well-worn powerplant. 

Quite Impressive

Incredibly, Hernandez and his crew are so confident in their LS400 and its refusal to die that they admit they'd be willing to drive it across the country, noting that they've accomplished that feat in cars that were in far worse shape. It's not like we need future proof of just how amazingly reliable the LS400 is, but it's also nice to see that this famous example keeps on impressing every chance it gets. 

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