Category: LC500

Get the LC 500 Scoop Straight From the Chief Engineer and Designer

Get the LC 500 Scoop Straight From the Chief Engineer and Designer

Ever since Lexus debuted the stunning LC 500 coupe at the 2016 NAIAS in Detroit, we’ve be clamoring to learn everything we can about the car. Now, thanks to this interview with the LC’s Chief Engineer, Koji Sato, and Chief Designer, Tadao Mori, we’re getting an earful.

By: | April 8, 2016

Could the LC 500 and 500h Be the Answer in Europe?

Could the LC 500 and 500h Be the Answer in Europe?

There’s no doubt that Lexus has been steadily eating up some of Western Europe’s luxury automobile market, but they still have a long road ahead if they want to beat out the Germans. Hopefully, the LC 500 and LC 500h should help make up some ground.

By: | February 23, 2016

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