Club Lexus Hot Topic: Parking Etiquette

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CL Thread Sparks Heated Debate Over Ethics and Consequences of Standing in a Parking Space to Save it for Another Driver

While a shared passion for Lexus cars is what brings us all together, the members of our forums have a varied set of interests, backgrounds and values. What that means is that even the most seemingly mundane off-topic discussions can produce stimulating conversations.

We’ve all had it happen: You’re driving to an event downtown, where you know that parking is at a premium. But then, after a few frustrating spins around the block, you finally find a parking spot. But as you edge closer, you discover that someone is standing in it and saving it for someone else. Wait. Seriously?!? Yes, this recently happened to Club Lexus forum moderator RA40, who decided to post about it.


It’s an almost universally frustrating event, and for once it seems like nearly everyone agrees that parking spots are for cars, not people. In his thread, RA40 asks fellow auto enthusiasts, “Do you feel it is OK for people to stand in a parking space to reserve a spot?” At the time of this writing, the poll attached to RA40’s thread had 13 “No” votes to one “Yes” vote. The lone “Yes” voter chose not to participate in the discussion. But plenty of others did.

Hot Topic: Tell Us Your Thoughts about Saved Parking on the Forum!

Club Lexus member TecMan said, “It’s a car space, not a spot at the bar or a table for someone to reserve.” He then went on to share this great story:

“I had an altercation with someone at a restaurant who took the seat of my date when she went for food at the buffet. There was limited seating, and I tilted her chair up on the round table. It should have been obvious that this seat is reserved. An older gentleman (loosely phrased) took her chair and refused to give it back for my lady. I asked him to do the right thing and give the chair back. Big yelling match from me to do the right thing.”


This sparked further conversation about saving seats versus saving parking spots, and the general nature of people being inconsiderate. Echoing many poster’s sentiments, Alpinam3 wrote:

“Not OK. I hate it when people do this. I want to say something but always hold my tongue; not worth getting into a altercation over or getting my car keyed because I forced my way in. The way I look at it, I usually try to park farther away anyway to save my car from door dents.”

One thing’s for sure: We should all make an effort to treat others the way we would want to be treated, and remain courteous to other motorists and patrons. This should ultimately give Lexus owners a good name. With this crowd, I don’t think that will be a problem!

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

Cam VanDerHorst has been a contributor to Internet Brands' Auto Group sites for over three years, with his byline appearing on Ford Truck Enthusiasts, Corvette Forum, JK Forum, and Harley-Davidson Forums, among others. In that time, he's also contributed to Autoweek, The Drive, and Scale Auto Magazine.

He bought his first car at age 14 -- a 1978 Ford Mustang II -- and since then he’s amassed an impressive and diverse collection of cars, trucks, and motorcycles, including a 1996 Ford Mustang SVT Mystic Cobra (#683) and a classic air-cooled Porsche 911.

In addition to writing about cars and wrenching on them in his spare time, he enjoys playing music (drums and ukulele), building model cars, and tending to his chickens.

You can follow Cam, his cars, his bikes, and his chickens at @camvanderhorst on Instagram.

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