Lexus Owner Jumps Into Moving Car to Stop Thief

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Alemao Saint Louis

I’m not condoning thievery here, especially Lexus thievery, but this Lexus owner kind of had it coming. Seriously, how many of you would leave the key in the ignition, and the windows down, regardless of the relative safety of the parking spot?

Well, according to the Palm Beach Post, that’s apparently what one Palm Beach Lexus owner did last week. And honestly, that wasn’t the dumbest thing he did either.

Here’s the details. Last Friday evening, around 6pm, the owner of the Lexus allegedly drove two women to the beach, helped them with their belongings, and then went to pay for parking at a kiosk. The would-be car thief, Alemao Saint Louis of Lake Worth, Florida (of course), spotted the Lexus with the windows rolled down, and the key in the ignition. Apparently the temptation proved to be too much, because Saint Louis jumped in the car, started it up, and began to drive away.

When he saw Saint Louis driving away, the Lexus owner went right up through the open driver door and grabbed St. Louis and held on, even as Saint Louis continued to drive. Saint Louis allegedly hit a parked Dodge then crashed the Lexus into some bushes at a nearby bank. Saint Louis then tried to run away, but the owner gave chase and started fighting with the thief.

Eventually police caught Saint Louis. He copped to stealing the Lexus, and was arrested on charges of robbery, grand theft auto, and aggravated assault. Very fortunately, and luckily, no injuries were reported.

Now, I can’t say what I’d do if I saw someone jacking my car right before my eyes, but since I have insurance, I’d probably just call the cops instead of jumping into a moving car like I was Jackie Chan or something. Of course, I only lease, so maybe it’s different.

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

via [Palm Beach Post]

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