L/Studio Shows Lexus Marketing Isn’t All About Cars

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L Studio

Since 2008, L/Studio has been making Lexus videos. But they’re probably not the Lexus videos you might initially think of, you know, like videos with cars in them.

Instead, L/Studio, a “core program of Lexus branded content business,” according to Marketing Daily, has been producing videos geared at a completely different consumer than your average Lexus buyer. Think young. Think hip. Think, people who probably don’t have enough money to buy a Lexus currently, but who might, someday. And when that day comes, if they watch enough good videos produced by Lexus, perhaps they’ll be inclined to buy a 2023 Lexus.

The studio started with an interview series called Web Therapy, which featured Lisa Kudrow (of Friends fame) playing a therapist to other celebrities. As production partners changed, so to did the content, which went on to feature shows from Colin Quinn and Seth Green, among others.

L/Studios has recently partnered with Relativity Digital Media to produce the series “It Got Better,” a followup to the popular series It Gets Better. Round two features prominent members of the LGBT community — Rosie O’Donnell, Andrew Rannells, and RuPaul, to name a few — discussing how they got where they are, despite the haters. You can see RuPaul’s episode in the video below.

If you think this sort of branding doesn’t reach a new audience, think about this little tidbit from the Marketing Daily story:

“Lexus’ marketing manager, Brian Bolain, tells Marketing Daily that L/Studio delivers a fairly reliable 300,000 to 500,000 video views per month, and that viewers are typically 20 or more years younger than typical Lexus buyers.”

Heck, we can’t all watch car videos all the time, can we?

Chime in with your thoughts on the forum. >>

via [Marketing Daily]

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