Science! Engineers Explain How the Lexus Hoverboard Works

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Lexus is sure milking this hoverboard thing, but really, can you blame them? I mean, if you’re going to go ahead and build a functioning hoverboard, you may as well get a few videos out of the deal.

We’ve seen The Lexus Hoverboard: Testing. We’ve seen The Lexus Hoverboard: It’s Here. We’ve seen The Lexus Hoverboard: Evolution. We’ve seen The Lexus Hoverboard: The Ride. And now, we get another gift, the video below, The Lexus Hoverboard: The Science.

The latest Lexus Hoverboard vid, as you may have guessed from the title, is all about the science that goes into making such an innovative device. And honestly, it’s some high-level stuff, that I don’t completely understand, so I won’t try to explain it. You’d be much better suited watching the video.

lexus hoverboard science

I will tell you this much though, they interview two really impressive scientists, with a couple of the best job titles around: Dietmar Bergar, Magnetic Levitation Engineer, and Professor Ludwig Schultz, Pioneer of Superconducting Levitation.

Interestingly enough, these very smart men initially thought Lexus may have been over-stepping with the hoverboard project. “When Lexus approached with questions for a new project, we thought, ‘It will not work, but let’s try it,'” says Bergar.

So they took it step by step, and they scienced the crap out of it till they made a levitating skateboard that actually works. Pretty awesome, right? Downright inspiring even.

Now, when can we see the next Lexus Hoverboard video?

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