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    How to Guides

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    Ever Wonder, How Does an EVAP System Work? (Here’s a Detailed Breakdown)
    ClubLexus member sacrifices a rusted Corolla in the name of automotive education, answering the question, How Does an EVAP System Work?
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    Detailer Resurrects Nastiest Lexus GS 300 Ever!!! (Can’t Stop Watching)
    After sitting outside with a leaky sunroof for five years, this poor Lexus GS 300 is completely rejuvenated by a detailer.
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    How to Disinfect a Car 101: Lexus’ Guide to Safer Driving
    New guide reveals how to properly clean and disinfect high-touch areas in interior and on exterior of a vehicle.
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    Hell Bent for Leather: Would Rob Halford Use Woolite on Leather?
    Where do you go for answers when you have a Lexus with a gorgeous leather interior but are not sure about how to maintain that luxurious look? The "Club Lexus" forums, of course.
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