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Top 10 Driving Etiquette Mistakes

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Old 05-16-14, 04:38 PM
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Default Top 10 Driving Etiquette Mistakes

1. "Nudging" pedestrians

Pedestrians, with their silly protections and laws giving them the right of way at crosswalks, can really ruin that perfect, date-impressing turn you’re always ready to execute at an intersection. Able-bodied pedestrians do enough to dampen your low-speed, apex-clipping good time; but then there are times when grandma -- or that Rascal-riding "People of Wal-Mart" reject -- will cross the road at speeds that make even the continental drift a bit impatient. To borrow a catchphrase from our 42nd president: We feel your pain.

Contrary to popular belief, no pedestrian enjoys spending time in the middle of the road, dodging cars just to stay alive. And nine times out of 10, these pedestrians are moving as fast as they can. While you may reclaim an extra second or two of your “valuable” time by honking or crowding pedestrians out of the crosswalk, you will look like a massive douche while doing so. Show society -- and possibly your date -- that you are better than your peers and give these pedestrians the time and space they need to safely cross the road.

2. Tailgating

Riding the bumper of the car in front of you won’t help you get to where you need to be any sooner -- especially if you’re stuck in gridlocked traffic. Sure, some of you may feel that you have the driving skills needed to safely pilot your 6,000-pound vehicle with only an iPod nano-sized safety cushion of space, but unless you have the ability to control and defy physics, your driving skills just aren’t up to the task.

We understand the desire to drive faster, but take a minute or two and relax. The destination you’re frantically trying to get to isn’t going anywhere; it will be there regardless of whether you drive six inches or six yards behind the car ahead of you. You’ll also create a safer driving situation that will allow you to save your own *** should the guy in front lose control.

3. Driving too slowly

Thoughts of high rates of speed may leave you feeling anxious, but we’re here to tell you that it’s OK to let your car achieve the posted speed limit. Countless numbers of civil engineers have done all sorts of complex calculations to ensure that, weather and road conditions permitting, it is safe to drive at the speed posted on the speed limit sign. Not only that, but thousands of automotive engineers have made sure that the cars they sell -- including yours -- can safely run at those speeds. What does that mean for you? Simple: It means you can use the long pedal on the right to get your car up to the proper velocity.

And while slower speeds may theoretically be safer speeds, driving too slow can pose its own set of dangers. Vehicles moving slower than the flow of traffic (such as those senior citizens driving 35 mph in the fast lane on the freeway) can become dangerous obstacles that cause more harm than good. Save yourself, and our collective sanity, by letting your car get up to the speed limit.

4. Double parking

No one thinks your car is cool or special enough to deserve the few extra feet of space “earned” by double parking. Chance are, when people see a double-parked vehicle, they believe that its owner is the overcompensating type who blows entire paychecks on male-enhancement pills. While we certainly won’t claim to fully understand the female psyche, we are pretty sure ladies find this sort of personality trait a turn-off.

Show the world that you are a confident man who doesn’t let his car define him and park your vehicle within the confines of a single parking space. If you feel that your car needs an extra protective cushion of space, find a spot in an uncrowded area of the lot and park your car there. Sure, it may be a few extra feet away from the door, but no one will look down on you for parking in the boonies, and the extra bit of walking could do you some good.

5. Leaving your brights on

If you’re driving alone along a dark, unlit road, by all means please make sure you stay safe by turning your high beams on. However, if another car is coming at you, or if you are driving on well-lit city roads, for the love of God, turn those brights off. Keeping your high beams on, and pointed in the eyes of other drivers, is more than just a D-bag move; it’s dangerous.

Blinding oncoming traffic is a good way to get other drivers to temporarily lose control of their vehicles and have them collide head-on with you. Running your high beams while behind another vehicle will have a similar effect, only this time the car ahead will crash and you’ll end up rear-ending them. Either way, it’s a lose-lose situation for everyone involved -- especially you. While on the road, let your chivalry -- not your brights -- shine and use your high beams only when necessary.

6. Not letting other cars merge

Too many drivers hog the rightmost lane of the freeway and refuse to even slightly alter their velocity to allow another vehicle to merge ahead of (or sometimes even behind) them. Freeway on-ramps aren’t NASCAR tracks; regular drivers didn’t “earn” their position on these limited-access roads, nor do they have to “defend” it. Refusing to budge to allow another vehicle onto the freeway is not only a **** move, it has the potential to cause a pretty severe accident. If someone is trying to get onto the freeway, let them on. Don’t want to slow down for merging traffic? Change lanes. Problem solved.

7. Honking at traffic lights

Some people -- usually those not at the front of a traffic queue -- feel the need to reprimand others for not treating the common traffic light as if it were an NHRA Christmas tree, oftentimes by laying into the horn. For some reason, these people urgently need to get to the next stop light as soon as humanly possible because those extra hundredths of a second make all the difference in the world when rushing to Applebee’s. Don’t worry -- those savory wonton tacos aren’t going anywhere. Save your gas and reduce your stress by letting the guy in front of you take the extra half-second to go when the light turns green.

8. "Sharing" your music

You’re confident that, if you were to share your impeccable taste in music with Irving Azoff or Lyor Cohen, your sophistication and expertise would return the music industry to the carefree profitability of the pre-Napster days. You’re the type of fellow who feels that it’s your duty as a responsible citizen to equip your car with the biggest speakers possible so that everyone can get hip to the music you love. Besides, nothing impresses the ladies like a trunk full of bass that puts out enough dBs to drown out a 777 on take off.

The truth is that no one wants to hear you blast "Gasolina" over and over again. Ladies are never turned on by a trunk full of bass -- especially in a vehicle where the install is so crappy that it makes the car sound like it’s rattling itself apart. An overly loud sound system makes you look desperate for attention, as if you’re the type of guy who wears fuzzy hats and bedazzled jeans and throws “negs” at “two sets” in hopes of finally finding a woman drunk (and desperate) enough to talk with you for more than a minute.

No one is faulting you on wanting to hear a clear, rich reproduction of your favorite music. Just spend the time and effort on getting a system that makes the music sound good, and make sure it stays inside your car.

9. Not cleaning your car in the winter

Few things are as beautiful as a landscape powdered with several inches of freshly fallen snow. It’s nature’s way of making the world look safe, soft and huggable -- like a real version of a Thomas Kinkade winter landscape. Some drivers like to take this down-covered goodness with them wherever they go. Or maybe these drivers are just lazy, as too many of them seem to think it’s a good idea to drive around with their car still enveloped by a thick blanket of snow.

Never mind the fact that the extra weight and wind resistance that this rolling snow blanket adds to a car, the snow will sometimes fly off, and that’s exactly where our problem lies. The problem is, when this snow flies off a car, it’s got to go somewhere. And that somewhere is often our car, the faces of the models who frequent our office or the small child whose first magical experience of winter is ruined by your car’s flying frozen debris. Stop ruining winter for everyone -- take a minute and scrape that frozen stuff off your car.

10. Not using your turn signals

The blinkers on your car are for more than just providing cheap light shows for your raver friends -- they also let others know if and when you are intending to turn or change lanes. Not only that, but they let other cars know which direction your car may head, helping them avoid a collision with you. It sounds like magic, we know, but this stuff really works.

In all seriousness, we see countless near misses on the freeway as we commute to and from work, and the majority of them could be avoided had the driver(s) taken the extra tenth of a second to extend their left pointer finger and gently brush a wand. Try it some day, we promise you won't be disappointed.


Additional CL input:

Originally Posted by mmarshall
11. Keep headlights properly aimed.

As far as the headlight-brightness goes, not only should you not use high-beams in in inappropriate manner, but also make sure that your headlights are aimed properly (many states check for that in annual or periodic vehicle safety-inspections). If the lights are aimed too high, then even your low-beams could end right up in another driver's eyes.

12. Keep your eyes on where you are going.

Few things, IMO, are more annoying than following someone ahead who is drifting back and forth in their lane (or with their wheels drifting over the line).....looking like a Boozer who just left Clancy's bar. You want to (maybe) pass them, but you are too afraid to do so because of the possibility of their vehicle driving into yours while you are doing it. One should be able to keep his or her car reasonably between the lines without resorting to electronic Nannies like Infiniti's Lane-Departure buzzer.

13. Slow down or stop for School Buses and emergency vehicles.

The state laws for school buses speak for MUST stop for school buses loading/unloading children with their lights on and stop signs displayed, unless there is a median in the street separating you from the bus. Some states are now installing cameras on buses to get the license plates of cars that don't stop. And, when you hear a siren, look for the flashing lights and/or try to discern with your ears which direction it is coming from. When you actually see the vehicle (usually a fire-engine, ambulance, or police-car) and determine what direction it is going, slow down and be prepared to move over or stop if necessary in order to let it by. or more human lives could be at stake.

(Yes, I know that unscrupulous cops and firefighters/ambulence drivers sometimes abuse that right-of-way privilege with lights/sirens in non-emergency conditions. They apparently think that their uniforms give them the right to demand the right-of-way when they have no paitience and simply don't want to sit their fat a**es in gridlock like the rest of us. That's always been a problem....and probably will continue to be. But, IMO, that's not our is potentially theirs. If they get reported doing that...or get caught doing that by their superiors, they could, and sometimes do, face disciplinary action).
Originally Posted by BrettJacks
14. When turning right, move all the way into the right turn lane.

Some streets are equipped with right hand turn lanes. This is a convenience for those who are not turning right, as it means that they can continue without stopping. Many of the mouth-breathers on the road don't understand this, and often stick out into the next lane. This completely defies the purpose of the turn lane, and forces traffic to slow down to a near stop while you complete your turn.
Originally Posted by dseag2
15. Plan Ahead (coincides with #6) Look more than one car ahead of you in traffic so when a lane is closed ahead you aren't trying to cut in at the last minute or when someone is stopped you aren't slamming on your brakes.

16. Put Down DISTRACTIONS - Get your face out of your ****ing mobile device while driving, which will help with #1.
Originally Posted by corradoMR2
17. Do not operate your vehicle with an emissions issue. There's nothing more intoxicating (literally) than an old jalopy with a bad catalytic converter emitting toxic fumes to the guy behind you, especially when you're stuck in traffic. Even "Recirc" won't save you on this one.

18. Don't hog two or more parking spots - (coincides with #4). I just took this pic today coincidentally and this post is perfect to post this in. I applaud this guy for the intent to minimize the risk of getting a door ding by parking near the edge, but why is he entitled to owning more real estate? I think many of us park as far away as possible, but in this case, did the Carrera have to park two feet into the space ahead?
Originally Posted by Hoovey2411
19. Don't use your windshield wipers with someone directly behind you! - Some Subaru did this. I don't think it was in spite more of an accident wasn't paying attention. I had just detailed the car and I went after him in a bit of rage (was going to do the same to him) but lucky for him traffic got heavy and I couldn't retaliate. 'Take it Easy - Eagles' came on and I gave up pursuit.

20. Headlamp out? Fix it ASAP - Often at night it can be confused for a motorcycle and messes with vision

21. Street Racing - Seems cool, but can you live with the repercussions..
As this is thread is about Driving I won't number this, but let's note it.

Originally Posted by Fizzboy7
Pedestrians and Bicyclists BE AWARE OF METAL HORSES- Peds should not be left out of this. They are HUGE offenders. People think just because they step foot on the pavement anywhere other than in a crosswalk, all traffic has to stop for them. Nooooooo... you don't cross or j-walk until it's clear, just like how a car has to yield to others. While the law protects peds in most situations, it's a garantee of getting run over. People will not stop.
On a related note, peds who j-walk when there's a crosswalk 100 feet away. Lazy. I live next to a college and this happens all day long.
Lastly, bikers who use up the entire slow lane. I'm sorry, but you are asking for it. Get your azz over against the parked cars and curb, where you aren't vulnerable to moving cars.
Originally Posted by rkyat
22. Use your actual lights (related to #5 and #20)- big pet peeve of mine.... I don't care about your fancy drl's, how about you turn on your dam headlights at night!

22.a Use proper lights - Euro cars, why are your rear fog lights on in clear weather, turn those bright red lights off!
Originally Posted by tex2670
22.b Not Paying Attention to Whether Your Lights Are ON. You need to turn your headlights on in fog, heavy rain, heavy snow and other road conditions; and at dusk (manually if you have auto headlights). Also, just because your speedometer is illuminated, it doesn't mean your headlights are ON. I see so many people that don't know/realize this basic safety measure. Every night, at dusk (even in pitch darkness sometimes) I see some bone head driving around clueless that their headlights aren't on. I cannot for the life of me understand how someone can't realize that the road in front of them isn't illuminated and they don't know their lights aren't on.
Originally Posted by blacksc400
23. You're on the Freeway/Highway/Expressway, for cripes sake MOVE! (related to #3)- And if you drive at or below speed limit on the highway, MOVE OVER! I have seen so many people drive below limit and stays at fast lane. They are the reason for traffic jam! >
If you don't mind I will ammend this a bit

Originally Posted by BrettJacks
24. Feeling of INVINCIBILITY

"4x4 will always save me in the snow"

F*** you. No it won't. SUV and truck owners are some of the most dangerous people I see in a snow storm. I see them slipping and sliding everywhere, almost running into me. LEARN TO DRIVE.
Originally Posted by Hoovey2411
24.a Badges don't tell the whole story - 4x4, 6x6, Trail Rated can instill a sense of confidence leading to arrogance and accidents. Know your cars limits, capabilities, and have the proper tires (winter vs all-season debate).
Originally Posted by RXSF
25. Pay Attention to the traffic pace People who drive so slow, and then when the light at the next intersection turns yellow, they of course continue on through and make it , leaving you stuck at the red light

26. Plan Plan Plan Ahead (Coincides with #15)- People who take the lane that is empty but know that it merges back in while everyone else is waiting patiently.

26.a (Coincides with #6) People who don't let you into the lane when it is a forced merge, such as construction lane closure, double parker.
As this is thread is about Driving I won't number this, but let's note it.

Originally Posted by RXSF
Pedestrians who continue to take their slow *** time, even after the signal countdown has reached 0 and the light has turned red for them.

Last edited by Hoovey689; 05-17-14 at 10:28 AM.
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Old 05-16-14, 05:44 PM
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Turn signals is my biggest complaint here, let me know what your next maneuver is so I can compensate if necessary.
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Old 05-16-14, 06:04 PM
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Turn signals don't exist in Las Vegas.

People that don't use them need to be dragged from their vehicles and beaten with clubs and whips until they're hospitalized. Seriously, these self-absorbed douchebags need to go to hell.
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Old 05-16-14, 06:31 PM
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Originally Posted by BrettJacks
Turn signals don't exist in Las Vegas.

People that don't use them need to be dragged from their vehicles and beaten with clubs and whips until they're hospitalized. Seriously, these self-absorbed douchebags need to go to hell.
I know how you feel. I can do one better... someone in the right lane turning left at the last minute with no turn signal Thankfully I wasn't going straight or that would have been a lovely accident. I saw that twice in one week already. I think Montreal drivers are getting worse and worse by the day.

Plus people in a turning lane and that continue straight

I do honk at a light, when someone doesn't realize it is green after 5 seconds.
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Old 05-16-14, 06:37 PM
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Great post, Hoovey. I agree with almost everything in the article, and regularly practice those etiquettes myself.

May I add a couple more?

11. Keep headlights properly aimed.

As far as the headlight-brightness goes, not only should you not use high-beams in in inappropriate manner, but also make sure that your headlights are aimed properly (many states check for that in annual or periodic vehicle safety-inspections). If the lights are aimed too high, then even your low-beams could end right up in another driver's eyes.

12. Keep your eyes on where you are going.

Few things, IMO, are more annoying than following someone ahead who is drifting back and forth in their lane (or with their wheels drifting over the line).....looking like a Boozer who just left Clancy's bar. You want to (maybe) pass them, but you are too afraid to do so because of the possibility of their vehicle driving into yours while you are doing it. One should be able to keep his or her car reasonably between the lines without resorting to electronic Nannies like Infiniti's Lane-Departure buzzer.

13. Slow down or stop for School Buses and emergency vehicles.

The state laws for school buses speak for MUST stop for school buses loading/unloading children with their lights on and stop signs displayed, unless there is a median in the street separating you from the bus. Some states are now installing cameras on buses to get the license plates of cars that don't stop. And, when you hear a siren, look for the flashing lights and/or try to discern with your ears which direction it is coming from. When you actually see the vehicle (usually a fire-engine, ambulance, or police-car) and determine what direction it is going, slow down and be prepared to move over or stop if necessary in order to let it by. or more human lives could be at stake.

(Yes, I know that unscrupulous cops and firefighters/ambulence drivers sometimes abuse that right-of-way privilege with lights/sirens in non-emergency conditions. They apparently think that their uniforms give them the right to demand the right-of-way when they have no paitience and simply don't want to sit their fat a**es in gridlock like the rest of us. That's always been a problem....and probably will continue to be. But, IMO, that's not our is potentially theirs. If they get reported doing that...or get caught doing that by their superiors, they could, and sometimes do, face disciplinary action).

Last edited by mmarshall; 05-16-14 at 06:48 PM.
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Old 05-16-14, 06:59 PM
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^^ some great additions Mike
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Old 05-16-14, 07:21 PM
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One of my own:

14. When turning right, move all the way into the right turn lane.

Some streets are equipped with right hand turn lanes. This is a convenience for those who are not turning right, as it means that they can continue without stopping. Many of the mouth-breathers on the road don't understand this, and often stick out into the next lane. This completely defies the purpose of the turn lane, and forces traffic to slow down to a near stop while you complete your turn.
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Old 05-16-14, 07:26 PM
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Originally Posted by tecman
Turn signals is my biggest complaint here, let me know what your next maneuver is so I can compensate if necessary.
Ban red turn signals. Confuses me whether the car ahead of me is pumping brakes or actually trying to turn.
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Old 05-16-14, 07:48 PM
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I would like to add 2 items:

1) Look more than one car ahead of you in traffic so when a lane is closed ahead you aren't trying to cut in at the last minute or when someone is stopped you aren't slamming on your brakes.

2) Get your face out of your ****ing mobile device while driving, which will help with #1.
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Old 05-16-14, 08:00 PM
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Originally Posted by chikoo
Ban red turn signals. Confuses me whether the car ahead of me is pumping brakes or actually trying to turn.
Pumping brakes should flash both taillights at once, unless something is wrong with the bulb, wiring, relay switch, or socket.. Turn signals should only flash one taillight at a time...left or right. Red lights or not, as long as both systems are working properly, I don't see how they can confuse.

Originally Posted by dseag22
Get your face out of your ****ing mobile device while driving, which will help with #1.
Agreed. That also ties in with my #12....keeping one's eyes on the road.

Last edited by mmarshall; 05-16-14 at 08:07 PM.
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Old 05-16-14, 08:10 PM
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Good post Hoovey.

I was going to mention something similar to Point 12 with the specific mention to STOP TEXTING and DRIVING.

And something else to add to Point 2 "Driving too Slowly". Please folks, move over to the right lane if you're on the left lane and your speed is not faster than the guy on the right. You're boxing everyone behind you. There's some tolerance for big rigs passing each other and taking what seems forever to do so, but for a car it's unacceptable. Pay attention to driving which means spatial awareness = 360 deg viewing (front and mirrors) every few seconds, and not just focused what's in front of you.

I have two more. (17 + 18 now?)

17. Do not operate your vehicle with an emissions issue. There's nothing more intoxicating (literally) than an old jalopy with a bad catalytic converter emitting toxic fumes to the guy behind you, especially when you're stuck in traffic. Even "Recirc" won't save you on this one.

18. Don't hog two or more parking spots. I just took this pic today coincidentally and this post is perfect to post this in. I applaud this guy for the intent to minimize the risk of getting a door ding by parking near the edge, but why is he entitled to owning more real estate? I think many of us park as far away as possible, but in this case, did the Carrera have to park two feet into the space ahead?
Attached Thumbnails Top 10 Driving Etiquette Mistakes-carerra.jpg  

Last edited by corradoMR2; 05-16-14 at 08:13 PM.
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Old 05-16-14, 08:17 PM
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Just thought of another one for us with snow-blessed climates.

19 now?

19. Clear the snow off your car before operating your vehicle on the road. Having a sheet of ice or a pile of snow fly off the roof or hood of the car ahead into your windshield is extremely dangerous especially at highway speeds. This is unfortunately too common on all types of road vehicles including big rigs.
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Old 05-16-14, 08:17 PM
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Originally Posted by corradoMR2

18. Don't hog two or more parking spots. I just took this pic today coincidentally and this post is perfect to post this in. I applaud this guy for the intent to minimize the risk of getting a door ding by parking near the edge, but why is he entitled to owning more real estate? I think many of us park as far away as possible, but in this case, did the Carrera have to park two feet into the space ahead?
That's one reason why, in car reviews, I b**ch when new cars don't come with side-body moldings for that kind of protection....or, if they do, poorly-located ones too high or too low. Too often, it forces car owners to either park like that or walk to and from the end of the lot.

Last edited by mmarshall; 05-16-14 at 08:25 PM.
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Old 05-16-14, 08:20 PM
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Originally Posted by corradoMR2
Just thought of another one for us with snow-blessed climates.

19 now?

19. Clear the snow off your car before operating your vehicle on the road. Having a sheet of ice or a pile of snow fly off the roof or hood of the car ahead into your windshield is extremely dangerous especially at highway speeds. This is unfortunately too common on all types of road vehicles including big rigs.
A repost......already included in Hoovey's original article. But, hey....twice is better than none.

Originally Posted by Hoovey2411
Not cleaning your car in the winter

Few things are as beautiful as a landscape powdered with several inches of freshly fallen snow. It’s nature’s way of making the world look safe, soft and huggable -- like a real version of a Thomas Kinkade winter landscape. Some drivers like to take this down-covered goodness with them wherever they go. Or maybe these drivers are just lazy, as too many of them seem to think it’s a good idea to drive around with their car still enveloped by a thick blanket of snow.

Never mind the fact that the extra weight and wind resistance that this rolling snow blanket adds to a car, the snow will sometimes fly off, and that’s exactly where our problem lies. The problem is, when this snow flies off a car, it’s got to go somewhere. And that somewhere is often our car, the faces of the models who frequent our office or the small child whose first magical experience of winter is ruined by your car’s flying frozen debris. Stop ruining winter for everyone -- take a minute and scrape that frozen stuff off your car.

Last edited by mmarshall; 05-16-14 at 08:23 PM.
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Old 05-16-14, 08:30 PM
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^^^ My bad, missed it in Hoovey's original post.

Right after the last ice storm we had this past December, that exact thing happened to me. A sheet of ice flew off the roof of the car ahead and into my RX. The impact was so big, the bumper got a small but deep scratch (visible to the black plastic) and the rest landed on our windshield. For a brief but critical moment, we were blind. Thankfully, no other cars were around and after a few wipes, windshield cleared.
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