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Boat, Travel or Other Trailer Towing Experiences

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Old 05-24-18, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by Acrad35751
Those probably would help, but might have some negative day to day consequences. I think the OP is best dealing with this issue on the trailer end as opposed to the vehicle end. If the trailer is sitting level it is going to scrape no matter what vehicle it is attached to unless the whole set up is physically raised.
Old 05-25-18, 06:25 AM
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Originally Posted by MedicalDoc
I feel for this person and these first world problems. I know how it is. Ever tried to keep a champagne bottle chill in our cars? Terrible, just terrible!
Kindly pass the grey poupon, please.
BTW, u r the only one that I know that doesn't need a bigger boat-lol-.
Here are two links that can help you out:
What is it that I’m feeling?
How do I deal with these feelings?
Old 05-25-18, 07:25 AM
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Thanks for the links. I truly enjoyed them.
I am glad that we as a community can have a sense of humor and are sufficiently adult and civilized to interact with each other.
Cheers mate,
Old 05-25-18, 06:18 PM
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Yup, I can contribute sarcastic humor if not technical insights...
Old 05-29-18, 11:40 AM
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The comfortable rear springs and low hitch are not great for towing a heavy load.

See p. 170 of the owners manual:
  • If the gross trailer weight is over 5000 lb. (2268 kg), a weight distributing hitch with sufficient capacity is required.
The surge brakes on boat trailers won't work with most WDHs. Contact the trailer manufacturer. You might be able to use something like this https://www.equalizerhitch.com/blog/...odel-do-i-need

Also, check the tongue weight info on p. 171. A trailer shop might be able to adjust the trailer to reduce the tongue weight.
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Old 06-08-18, 06:05 AM
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Originally Posted by MedicalDoc
I feel for this person and these first world problems. I know how it is. Ever tried to keep a champagne bottle chill in our cars? Terrible, just terrible!
Kindly pass the grey poupon, please.
BTW, u r the only one that I know that doesn't need a bigger boat-lol-.
I'll try not to swamp you as I'm passing by.
Old 06-08-18, 06:11 AM
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Originally Posted by matts17
Those probably would help, but might have some negative day to day consequences. I think the OP is best dealing with this issue on the trailer end as opposed to the vehicle end. If the trailer is sitting level it is going to scrape no matter what vehicle it is attached to unless the whole set up is physically raised.
A buddy of mine suggested an adjustable hitch like this one.[img][/img]. Problem is, when the trailer is hooked up to my current hitch, it makes the back of the truck squat really bad.
Last weekend, I was able to launch on a different ramp with the trailer frame scraping the ramp just once and only for a second. When we pulled the boat back out again, no problem. However, this is probably one of the lowest grade incline ramps so I'm sure that made all the difference. The ramp in my neighborhood that I used to use with my lighter boat is just really steep, poorly built.
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Old 06-08-18, 06:15 AM
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Anyone have experience with one of these?
Old 06-18-18, 08:25 AM
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Update: so after having the winch arm moved aft of the tongue and with the boat sitting further back on the trailer, was able to launch (high) and retrieve (almost dead low) this weekend without any major issues. The GX460 pulled her out on a steep, wet ramp with no problem. I was really happy to say the least.
Now......the other issue is my windlass. The windlass comes out of the bow, not on top of it. Which means I have to release the anchor an literally pull it into the boat to prevent it from hitting the winch roller on the launch and retrieve. While this is mostly just a big PITA, I love to know if there's a solution.
Old 07-16-18, 09:04 AM
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Exclamation The 28' 5500 lb travel trailer, to much for my GX

Last weekend I put the GX to the test, with a camping trip involving a rented 28' camper. The short story...it was too big, and the drive was white knuckle. Long story, see below.

So we have rented campers in the past, and towed short distances with my previous truck (Sequoia). So I really didn't expect anything too different when I went to pick up the camper the weekend. I had rented a 23' camper, but when I went to pick it up they had made an error and only had a 28' left. So I took the bigger camper, it was 5000lbs dry and 7000 GVW. I knew I was close to tolerance, but figured it would be fine towing it on a flat 4 lane for 90 minutes to the lake. Hooked up, adjusted the weight distribution hitch, loaded a few things into the camper (maybe 200lbs) and hit the road!

On the way to the lake I had a 20MPH tail wind, and in forth gear I was towing at 100km/h. No way I could go into 5th. It wasn't a comfortable pull, but it wasn't scary. 23l/100km on the way there.

The way back was another story. 40MPH headwind. Could barely do 90km/h in 4th gear, and the truck frequently switched into 3rd even on flat ground. Trailer was swaying all over the place. I have Reese tow mirrors that attached to my factory mirrors to see the full sides of the trailer. The drivers side mirror would not stay out, and folded in every 30 seconds (as if it hit something) so tow miror extensions had to be removed. 29.1L/100km. What a nightmare.

Morral of the story...if the trailer rental place offers you a 5000lb trailer instead of the 3200lb one you rented tell them HELL NO. Towing a camper that big is not a good option for any sane GX owner. Curious is any one else has had similar experience.
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Old 07-16-18, 09:53 AM
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Great post, a lot of people like to tow real close to the limits, while it may be some what safe, there is a lot less room for error. I've towed my car and car trailer with the GX without any wind for 100 miles and it was not necessarily comfortable.
Old 07-16-18, 01:03 PM
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My GX does pretty well with my open car hauler (1500lbs) + car (3000lbs). The rear air keeps it nice and level, with the air set to sport it feels well controlled. Weakest link on the GX when towing is the brakes, thankfully my trailer has electronic brakes. Oh and the stupid rear door that I can't fully open with the trailer hooked up...

Last edited by craina; 12-13-18 at 03:03 PM.
Old 07-16-18, 04:33 PM
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About 3500lbs is my limit. I don't like towing in any wind generally. That size trailer I would probably want a long bed 3/4 ton or 1 ton pickup.
Old 07-16-18, 05:03 PM
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Originally Posted by Nickk6
Great post, a lot of people like to tow real close to the limits, while it may be some what safe, there is a lot less room for error. I've towed my car and car trailer with the GX without any wind for 100 miles and it was not necessarily comfortable.
Tail trying to wag the dog situation?, LOL! My camping days are over due to age.
Old 07-17-18, 12:24 PM
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Has more to do with the winds and aerodynamic shape.

A commercial jet liner would struggle with 40mph crosswinds in landing, over 45 and it needs a new runway.

Do you have the trailer sway control on your GX?

I recently towed a 25’ trailer from Chicago up into Taylor’s Park and while it did just fine, I did wish there had been a bit more power but mine certainly didn’t struggle like yours.

meant to add, I’m taking said trailer to BC in a few months and was interested if the TSC was any good.

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