Replica wheels! (post pics)
I absolutely see nothing wrong with replica wheels. Why spend thousands of dollars on a set of wheel so that some a-hole come one night and steal them and leave leave your car on 4 bricks... or they get scratched on the curb the one day you let somebody drive your car, etc etc... I'm all up for cheaper replica wheels, or original designs as long as I don't spend a fortune on them, I don't believe in the whole "brand name" thing. As long as it looks good and are decent quality, it's all good.
really? you don't know the 'wrong'? you do all the R&D and someone else comes along~ blah blah blah... i really don't think i need to explain this...
SO~ how about from this point of view then:
SO~ how about from this point of view then:
If your car slam like that, there is more damage to the car than the wheels. Any way, each people has their own point so please respect it. just my 2nd cent
The point I think, is you have to do your research on companies.
There are a few companies listed that have a decent rep for "replicas", some that have a pretty bad rep.
Not as often as made out to be on here, but it can definitely happen I'm sure. Example, Google "Rota fail" images. There's lots.
Whats wrong with you people??
OP simply asked for pics of 19'' staggered setups, not if replicas are better than authentic. Why does a kind of thread always turn into a debate??
OP simply asked for pics of 19'' staggered setups, not if replicas are better than authentic. Why does a kind of thread always turn into a debate??