2018 Lexus LS Poised to Take Luxury Sedan Segment by Storm

Some say that the sedan is a dying breed. But the all-new Lexus LS is here to prove those detractors wrong.

By Brett Foote - October 4, 2017
Sedan savoir?
Winning consumers over... again
Strategic Shift
A Special Kind of Car
Raised, yet Lowered Expectations

1. Sedan savoir?

It's no surprise to anyone that follows the automotive industry that the passenger car, as we know it, is in big trouble. Consumers are flocking to trucks and SUVs, leaving their once beloved sedans to die a slow and painful death. But while many automakers are quite content to let the homely sedan go extinct, Lexus is attempting to reinvent it. Enter the 2018 LS, a car primed to take the once mighty premium luxury sedan market by storm.

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2. Winning consumers over... again

In the not-too-distant past, driving a car like the LS, a BMW 7-Series, or Mercedes S-Class signaled to the world that you had made it. But today, affluent customers are flocking to ultra-premium SUVs and top trim level trucks. Lexus aims to entice them to come back to the sedan--with a blend of cutting edge tech and drool worthy design, and they are doing so while also pricing the LS way below its competition, with a starting price of around $75,000.

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3. Strategic Shift

Remember in the old days when people used their pickup trucks as secondary vehicles? Trucks were meant for work, and big, luxurious sedans were meant to haul the family around and take on long road trips. Lexus sees the LS as the kind of car that will take over the role of that secondary vehicle - just not as a workhorse. They figure most potential LS customers already have an SUV that they drive every day. They see the LS as the stylish attention-grabbing machine those customers will want to take out to fancy dinners on the weekend. It's an interesting concept, but the LS is special enough to make it happen.

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4. A special kind of car

Just take one look at the new LS and you know it's something special. The radical design grabs your attention immediately and simply oozes prestige. The interior, however, is absolutely breathtaking. This is a car you get inside and it makes you feel special. That's a feeling few vehicles in any segment can pull off these days, but the LS does it in spades. And that's the kind of car people will buy as a second vehicle.

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5. Raised, yet Lowered Expectations

Despite their grand theories, however, Lexus is very realistic about the future of the LS sedan. The automaker expects to sell around 1,000 of them a month - a far cry from the 4,000 or so they moved in the days of the early LS400. The difference is, they aren't delusional about the market, like many other automakers. They just intend to reinvent it, the same way they reinvented the luxury automobile in the first place.

>>Join the conversation about the 2018 Lexus LS right here in the forum.

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