5 Online Influencers who are Lexus Hybrid Fanatics

Lexus is a luxury brand with many high-profile owners and fans backing them up. But what about the Lexus hybrids specifically? The internet is filled with opinions; here are some of Lexus hybrid's better-known online advocates.

By Conor Fynes - May 22, 2017
Margaux Perrier - ChickDriven
Jeff Rundles - Colorado Biz Magazine
Eric Adams - MensHealth
Benjamin Zhang - Business Insider

1. Margaux Perrier - ChickDriven

Margaux Perrier writes for the blog ChickDriven, a wonderful source for all things automotive, from an female perspective. As you may have guessed already, she's had a lot of great things to say about Lexus hybrids, specifically her own personal CT 200h car. Although saddened and a bit cautious about giving up here first car, which she had grown to love, she was quickly won over by the virtual perfection of the Lexus design. With the amount she saves at the gas pump, she reported feels more at-ease in her life as a freelance writer.

You can check out Margaux Perrier's thoughts on the CT 200h firsthand on ChickDriven: Why I Love My Lexus

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2. Jeff Rundles - Colorado Biz Magazine

Writing for the online publication Colorado Biz Magazine, Jeff Rundles waxed ecstatic in a glowing review for the Lexus RX 450h SUV hybrid. While he notes that he felt less warmly towards Lexus in past reviews, Jeff admits that their feature-heavy nature began to grow on him. One of his standout points is simple math: By official estimates the non-hybrid Lexus RX eats up $2000 more in gas over 5 years the hybrid. Factoring the $4000 price difference between versions, and the additional features included in the hybrid, he suggests taking the hybrid route wholeheartedly. 

Check out Jeff's musings on the Lexus hybrid SUV: I'm in Love with a Lexus

>>Join the conversation about Online Influencers who are Lexus Hybrid Fanatics right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

3. Erica Mueller - SheBuysCars

Much like ChickDriven, SheBuysCars is a car website with a decidedly female slant. In her review for the 2015 Lexus RX Hybrid, Erica Mueller listed some concerns, but ultimately saw fit to recommend the hybrid on account of its impressive gas efficiency, especially considering its size and interior space. For what it may have lacked in that apparent "luxury" vibe Lexus is most often known for, the test model earned great praise for its technical achievements.

Erica's thoughts on the RX hybrid may be found on SheBuysCars: 2015 Lexus RX Hybrid 

>>Join the conversation about Online Influencers who are Lexus Hybrid Fanatics right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

4. Eric Adams - Mens Health Magazine

Mens Health is probably not the first site we would think of when it comes to auto expertise, but their tech writer Eric Adams wrote about his shocking experience of the Lexus CT 200h. Adams went crazy over the hybrid's sense of style and handling, saying it was the first time he was "genuinely startled by a car." The number of standard features left an indelible impression, and the fuel economy (as always) impressed him, as with virtually every review of a hybrid Lexus. Although Adams does mention a lack of impressive acceleration, he notes that this is obviously due to the fuel-conscious design. 

If you're interested in reading Eric Adam's review, use the following link: Lexus CT200h Review 

>>Join the conversation about Online Influencers who are Lexus Hybrid Fanatics right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

5. Benjamin Zhang - Business Insider

Praise for a certain model becomes all the more meaningful when it's made clear the reviewer in question isn't a fanboy of the brand. Benjamin Zhang of Business Insider initially found the CT 200h compact hybrid "unrefined, underpowered, and completely underwhelming," though he notes that other reviewers felt the exact opposite about it. That earlier review makes Zhang love for the bigger Lexus ES 300h hybrid, all the more meaningful. From its impressive fuel economy to an otherwise luxurious experience, Lexus's full-sized hybrid sedan made a true believer out of Zhang.

Read up on Benjamin Zhang's Lexus impressions here: Lexus ES 300h hybrid review

>>Join the conversation about Online Influencers who are Lexus Hybrid Fanatics right here in the Club Lexus Forum! 

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