5 Things to Know About Snow Mode

The "Snow" button in your Lexus doesn't create a winter wonderland right before your eyes, but it'll help you drive through one.

By Gabriella Massari - December 7, 2016
Earlier Transmission Shifting
Decreased Throttle Response
Brake Lock Prevention
Prolonged Usage
Using Paddle Shifters

1. Earlier Transmission Shifting

You're doing more than just pushing a button when you activate "Snow Mode" in your Lexus. This nifty performance-based feature affects the transmission by allowing your Lexus to shift earlier, thus reducing torque at the wheels. Sooner shifting to higher gears means your motor will be kept in the low revs, and will be less prone to down shift upon acceleration. Activating Snow Mode will also start your engine in second gear instead of first. 

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2. Decreased Throttle Response

When driving in snowy winter conditions, it's easy to become anxious about the mere thought of skidding out over an icy patch of road. Enabling snow mode makes your Lexus even safer by decreasing the throttle response, thus keeping the power output in check when you accelerate and preventing your tires from spinning in the snow. 

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3. Brake Lock Prevention

Another reason for utilizing Snow Mode on more treacherous winter terrain is due to its brake lock prevention functionality. If you come across a particularly icy or snowy patch and instinctually press hard on your brakes, Snow Mode will ease the initial bite of contact and prevent your tires from locking up. This further prevents your Lexus from skidding over sleet-licked patches. 

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4. Prolonged Usage

It's definitely safe to keep Snow Mode activated while traveling at higher speeds on the freeway. You'll likely notice that your Lexus feels a bit more sluggish, which is normal when this feature is enabled. Similarly, driving in Snow Mode for a prolonged period of time, like on the freeway in rush hour traffic on a particularly rainy day, will not harm or damage your transmission. 

>>Join the conversation about Snow Mode right here in the ClubLexus forum!

5. Using Paddle Shifters

If your Lexus is equipped with paddle shifters, you can still use them while driving in Snow Mode. However, according to ClubLexus forum member Gernby, your Lexus will behave more like a manual transmission if you do so. This is because "the other modes are more likely to downshift on you without you forcing it." 

>>Join the conversation about Snow Mode right here in the ClubLexus forum!

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