8 Pros and Cons of Clear Bra on Your Lexus

Clear bra is a paint protection film that is used to keep the paint free of scratches. Are you considering clear bra for your Lexus? Find out the pros and cons to help ease the decision.

By Donna Rodriguez - October 19, 2016
Pro - Protection
Con - Yellowing
Pro - Areas to Apply
Con - Price
Pro - Value of the Car
Con - Maintenance
Pro - It Can Be Removed
Con - Professional Paint Job is a Must

1. Pro - Protection

A clear bra is a plastic wrap that will keep your paint protected from rocks, sand, or other debris that can damage your Lexus' paint. 

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2. Con - Yellowing

A clear bra can last anywhere between 2 to 7 years. The aging will depend mostly on the brand of protection film you get—3M and Xpel are common used brands—and the maintenance. Also, clear bra has been known to turn yellow after some time. While this might not be a problem for darker paint, it will be noticeable on your white Lexus. 

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3. Pro - Areas to Apply

The best thing about a clear bra is the many areas you can apply it to. From the bumper to the hood and even the door handles, in the case of key scratches. With a little research, you can find the areas available for clear bra and decide what works best for you. Also remember to go to a place that will do it right and won't leave razor blade marks on the paint. 

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4. Con - Price

As stated before, there are many areas to add a clear bra but depending on how many areas you choose to add it to, the price will go up. It can go anywhere from more than $700 to the thousands. 

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5. Pro - Value of the Car

If you plan to sell your Lexus somewhere down the line, keeping your car as pristine as possible will help with the asking price. It can't get any more pristine than keeping the paint scratch-free with the help of a clear bra. 

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6. Con - Maintenance

While it might seem like it is durable and won't need any special maintenance, you have to be aware of things that can eat the plastic and end up on your paint. Things like sap need to be taken care of before it gets to the paint. As for regular maintenance, regular washing and waxing will be needed, but beware that the products you use can get stuck on the lining of the film. For tips on how clean clear bra, check out this video

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7. Pro - It Can Be Removed

If you wish to remove the clear bra, either because you are tired of it or it has turned yellow, it can be removed. By picking it up by the corner and pulling it at a 90-degree angle, you can be rid of the clear bra. Also, in some cases you might need to use a heat gun or hair dryer to soften the adhesive and remove it. For a how-to on removing the clear bra, take a look at this video.  

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8. Con - Professional Paint Job is a Must

Some paint protection film, such as 3M, requires painted surfaces to be done by a professional and fully cured before applying the clear bra. If putting the film over paint that has been done using anything like touch-up paint, it will hold but after removing the film, so will the touch-up paint. 

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And for information DIY maintenance, repairs and modifications, scroll through our how-to section.