Answering The 10 Most-Asked Lexus Questions on Google

The ten most common questions asked about Lexus may surprise you more than the answers. We list them all for you here along with our take on each.

By Joe Kucinski - June 3, 2024
Answering The 10 Most-Asked Lexus Questions on Google
Is a Lexus a Toyota?
Is a Lexus Expensive to Maintain?
Is a Lexus a Good Car?
Is a Lexus a Luxury Car?
Is a Lexus a Good First Car?
Is a Lexus RX 350 an SUV?
Is a Lexus a Foreign Car?
Is a Lexus Worth It?
Is a Lexus a Reliable Car?
Is a Lexus Expensive?


Do you have questions about Lexus? You are not alone. Every single day people turn to Google to find answers to their most burning Lexus questions. But what are those answers? And perhaps even more importantly, what are those questions? We fired up the old Google search bar and typed in “Is a Lexus” and we let the Google predictive search finish the question for us. Doing that allowed us to learn what questions people are asking the most about the brand. A Lexus fan such as yourself may know the answers, but do you know the questions? We will cover all the questions and answers for you here as well as throw in our thoughts on each of them.

1. Is a Lexus a Toyota?

Yes. Lexus is a brand owned by Toyota Motor Corporation. However, the two companies are headquartered in different cities. Toyota is in Aichi, Japan, and Lexus in Nagoya, Japan. The internet doesn’t always get everything right, but this is a basic question with a simple answer. The Lexus brand was launched back in 1989 as the luxury division of Toyota. As you would expect there are many parts shared between the Toyota and Lexus brands. But Lexus strives for added refinement as well as a more dynamic driving experience. 

2. Is a Lexus Expensive to Maintain?

The simple answer is no, but with a caveat. Compared to a mainstream brand like Toyota or Ford, Lexus vehicles can be more expensive to maintain. However, Lexus is not a mainstream brand. Lexus is a luxury brand. And for a luxury brand Lexus vehicles have very low maintenance costs compared to their peers at BMW and Mercedes-Benz. This is where the parts being shared with Toyota helps, as well as the legendary reliability.

3. Is a Lexus a Good Car?

Getting a solid Google answer on this is a bit challenging because the question is a bit vague. How do you define good? Are you looking for reliability, speed, cost, or resale value? There are many ways to define good. However, the overwhelming consensus across the board is that a Lexus is a good car. The vehicles are luxurious, reliable, safe, and relatively inexpensive to maintain. Put all this together and it is difficult to argue against Lexus being a good car.

4. Is a Lexus a Luxury Car?

It sure is. It was created from the beginning to be a luxury brand. While some models do share parts with the mainstream Toyota brand, there are several parts and technologies that are exclusive to the Lexus brand. And the luxury extends beyond just the vehicle itself. Step into a Toyota dealership and then into a Lexus dealership. The experience is completely different. Lexus may not be mentioned in the same breath as Rolls-Royce, but there is no question that a Lexus vehicle is a luxury vehicle. It has been that way since day one.

5. Is a Lexus a Good First Car?

This is another question that we have to define a bit better in order to get a consensus answer. First, we assume the question refers to a first car for a young and inexperienced driver. Second, we have to assume that the question refers to a ‘reasonable’ Lexus model. A Lexus LFA is not a great choice for a 16-year kid, even if it can be afforded. With those things being said, a Lexus can be an excellent first car. They depreciate like most cars, so you can find a nice Lexus ES sedan that is maybe ten years old for reasonable money. These cars are reliable, and safe, and they don’t have too much power that can get a young driver in trouble.

6. Is a Lexus RX 350 an SUV?

The RX 350 is the best-selling model in the Lexus lineup, so we are not surprised that it is the only specific model mentioned in this list of most popular questions. The Google answers you will get will almost all agree that the answer is yes, the RX 350 is an SUV. Even Lexus has it classified as an SUV on their website. However, there are two main types of SUVs. There are those that are unibody construction. Which accounts for most of the SUV models on the market today, including the RX 350. This construction allows for a more car-like ride and a more efficient vehicle. However, there are also traditional body-on-frame SUVs like the Lexus LX and GX models. These are your more rugged, off-road focused vehicles.

7. Is a Lexus a Foreign Car?

Yes. Lexus is headquartered in Japan and many Lexus vehicles are made there. They have three manufacturing plants in Japan. However, they also have a plant in Canada and one in the United States. The ES model is assembled in the Georgetown, Kentucky plant. That plant happens to be the largest Toyota plant in the world with more than 8,000 employees that help build the Camry as well as the Lexus ES. However, the answer to the question remains the same. Lexus is a foreign car.

8. Is a Lexus Worth It?

This is a question that is almost impossible to answer even with Google. It is simply too broad. There are so many factors that go into deciding if a car brand is worth it. A brand might be worth it to me, but not to you. There are as many Google answers saying yes as there are that say no. Is the RX 350 worth it over a Toyota Highlander? Both will be extremely reliable for you. Are the added features, and luxury dealership experience worth the additional upfront cost and maintenance expenses? Only you can really answer that question.

9. Is a Lexus a Reliable Car?

It is interesting that the reliability question didn’t come up sooner. For many folks researching a car this is a top three question. But we think it was so lowly ranked here for Lexus because everyone already knows the answer. Yes! A Lexus is one of the most reliable vehicles you can buy today. For the second year in row Lexus was ranked number one in the J.D. Power 2024 U.S. Vehicle Dependability Study. This might be the most clear-cut answer on this entire list.

10. Is a Lexus Expensive?

It depends. How is that for an answer? We are not trying to be sarcastic, but this is a tough question to answer. Most Google results will say that Lexus is expensive. And that is true compared to a Toyota. But a Lexus also offers more. The problem is that everyone has a different perspective on what expensive is. Chances are that you don’t have a Jeff Bezos car budget. Every dollar matters for most of us.

The good news is that Lexus has a wide range of models. You can get a 2025 Lexus UX for less than $40K. But an LX 600 is going to cost you six figures. That is roughly double the cost of an average new car, so it is expensive. And if we are being fair, we think it is proper to label any Lexus as an expensive car. Even that lower end UX is going to be several thousand more than a Toyota RAV4 Hybrid. But comparing Lexus to Toyota is not really fair. Compared to equivalent BMW and Mercedes-Benz models, a Lexus is typically a bit less expensive to buy. And far less expensive to maintain. So, is a Lexus expensive? It depends. That really is the best answer.

Images: Lexus