Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles

Plenty of killer Lexus builds rolled into SoCal for the latest tuner show in an already crowded field.

By Brett Foote - October 24, 2019
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles
Brand Spanking New Tuner Show Starts in Los Angeles

Make Room

Depending on how old you are, you may just remember a time when there weren't all that many import shows in the world. But these days, the scene has quite literally exploded. If you happen to live in the automotive mecca that is Southern California, you're well aware of this fact. So is there room for yet another SoCal import car show? According to Super Street, the answer is yes. 

Photos: Super Street

Dare to be Different

It's hard to count how many car shows have tried and failed to latch on over the last decade or so. But after their inaugural event, it sure looks like the Tuner Show L.A. has a shot at sticking. Mainly because they're doing things just a little bit different than most. 

Photos: Super Street

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Spread the Word

That process started with the manner in which The Tuner Show organizers chose to promote their new event. Instead of using traditional advertising venues like most, they recruited a series of influencers including TJ Hunt, Emelia Hartford, and the Hoonigans to help spread the word to their copious number of followers via social media. 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about The Tuner Show right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Quality Over Quantity

Of course, you can have the best promotional strategy on earth, but it won't matter if all these people show up and there is a weak lineup of cars present. That most certainly was not the case at The Tuner Show. According to SS, the group was smaller than most similar shows, but the quality was most certainly there. 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about The Tuner Show right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Wide Spectrum

The tuner umbrella covers a wide spectrum of rides as well, everything from JDM to Euro and even modern muscle cars. Not to mention things like lifted trucks and even vintage automobiles. And if you grew tired of looking at all of these ultra-clean machines, there were some other solid reasons to stick around.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about The Tuner Show right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

On the Hunt

TJ Hunt had his own booth at the show, filled with his entire fleet of project cars. As expected, Hunt attracted a slew of fans looking to score a selfie or autograph. Among the cars he brought along that we were most interested in was his RHD JDM Mark IV Supra and his new A90 Mark V Supra wearing a set of HRE wheels. 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about The Tuner Show right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Supra Heaven

Those weren't the only two Supras in attendance, either. Perhaps the most dominant model at The Tuner Show, we spotted all sorts of tasty old and new examples. Including LT Motorworks' A90, which might be the first one in the country equipped with a set of WORK Meister wheels.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about The Tuner Show right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Start of Something Good?

Overall, it sounds like Super Street walked away impressed from this first-ever event. "If I'm being honest there were definitely some rough edges, but for a first outing, it was pretty good. There is definitely a lot of potential here. Who knows? Maybe 20 years from now, someone will be writing about how they were at the very first Tuner Show." 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about The Tuner Show right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Come Back

One thing's for sure - you certainly can't do mediocre in this crowded field. But we believe that The Tuner Show made enough of an impact that people will come back next year. And hopefully, we'll see even more cool rides flocking to it in the future as well.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about The Tuner Show right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

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