How Did This Lexus Wind Up In the Ocean?

Here's a mystery worth solving.

By Brett Foote - December 5, 2022
How Did This Lexus Wind Up In the Ocean?
How Did This Lexus Wind Up In the Ocean?
How Did This Lexus Wind Up In the Ocean?
How Did This Lexus Wind Up In the Ocean?
How Did This Lexus Wind Up In the Ocean?
How Did This Lexus Wind Up In the Ocean?

Big Mystery

Quite frequently, we like the play the game of "how did that get there," which is typically quite humorous and entertaining. And that certainly applies to this poor Lexus LX, which somehow wound up in the ocean, of all places. A video of the SUV being pulled from the salty water was recently posted to Instagram by Khaled Al-Ajmi, but most of the rest of the details regarding how it got there remains a big mystery.

Scant Details

This particular incident happened somewhere in the United Arab Emirates, but otherwise, the details are quite scant. It seems as if the driver and any passengers that might have been inside the SUV were able to get out, at least, though it's unclear if there were any occupants in the first place.

Guessing Game

It's also unclear how the big SUV wound up in the ocean in the first place. Could the owner have been out testing its water-fording prowess? Was the vehicle stolen, and the perpetrator was just trying to ditch the evidence? Or perhaps this was the act of a scorned lover trying to get back at someone? Your guess, it seems, is as good as ours.

Damaged Goods

What we do know is that this poor LX is likely a goner, as regular water is the enemy of modern vehicles, while salt water is even worse. Making matters worse, there's a decent amount of front-end damage as the grille is missing, while the bumper and hood are crunched up pretty well, too.


Once the Lexus makes it to the beach, someone opens the door, which of course unleashes the cabin full of water that's left behind. Water pours out rather quickly, and we can see that there are some personal items in the vehicle, at least.

Truth Hurts?

We'd certainly love to know the backstory on how this LX wound up in the ocean, but then again, perhaps the truth would be a bit boring versus our pure speculation. After all, maybe it plunged off a bridge or something more mundane, versus the thrilling or humorous alternatives that we can come up with. But for now, at least, it seems as if we may never know the truth.

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