Japanese Police Force Gains LC Patrol Car

Eastern Japan's Tochigi Prefectural Police recently received the new squad car via donation.

By Brett Foote - September 30, 2020
Japanese Police Force Gains LC Patrol Car
Japanese Police Force Gains LC Patrol Car
Japanese Police Force Gains LC Patrol Car
Japanese Police Force Gains LC Patrol Car
Japanese Police Force Gains LC Patrol Car

Upgraded Patrol

Here in the U.S., law enforcement is typically stuck driving around in boring SUVs these days. Nothing nearly as exciting as what officers in other parts of the world get to enjoy. That includes Japan, where the Tochigi Prefectural Police recently became the new owner of a Lexus LC that was donated by Kazuo Nakamura, a company executive from the prefectural city of Tochigi.

Photo: Mainichi

Generous Donation

The department says that they will use the car, which also happens to be the first Lexus law enforcement vehicle in the town, to help curb accidents in the area. In addition to the LC, Nakamura also donated a Nissan GT-R to the police department.

Photos: Carlink

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Specially Equipped

The LC 500 has been specially equipped to serve in the department's Mobile Traffic Unit, but no details were provided outside of the fact that it's being deployed to stop vehicles and engage in a number of promotional activities. The car was presented to the department in a ceremony where Tochigi Gov. Tomikazu Fukuda received a set of replica keys.

Photos: Carlink

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Giving Thanks

At the ceremony, police chief Yoshihisa Harada presented Nakamura with a certificate of thanks. "By making the most of the vehicle's superior mobility, which makes it possible to accelerate and decelerate the vehicle smoothly, we wish to use it to strengthen our anti-crime activities including stopping vehicles on the streets," Harada said.

Photos: Carlink

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Step Up

Needless to say, this is one police department that will certainly be riding around in style from now on. At least one or two lucky officers, that is. And while we're sure that the LC will actually do some good in the community, it'll also undoubtedly attract more attention than your average, boring cop car.

Photos: Carlink

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