Lexus LC Owner Racks up 200K Miles in Four Years

This Lexus LC owner has driven his sporty coupe more than 200k miles in just four years.

By Brett Foote - December 13, 2023
Lexus LC Owner Racks up 200K Miles in Four Years
Lexus LC Owner Racks up 200K Miles in Four Years
Lexus LC Owner Racks up 200K Miles in Four Years
Lexus LC Owner Racks up 200K Miles in Four Years
Lexus LC Owner Racks up 200K Miles in Four Years

Frequent Driver

Lexus vehicles have long been known for their industry-leading reliability, but regardless, every time a brand new model debuts, one has to wonder if Toyota's luxury arm can continue to keep that trend going. The LC, for example, has only been on sale for a few years, and as a sporty, more expensive, grand touring coupe, there aren't exactly a lot of high-mile examples out there right now. However, that doesn't apply to this one - owned by a fellow named Matt Pridemore - which has already accumulated 200k miles in just four years.

Photos: Matt Pridemore

Quick Accumulation

Pridemore acquired his 2019 Lexus LC 500 brand new and has since proceeded to drive it all over the place, surpassing the 150k mile mark back in March of this year. In fact, he managed to accumulate 100k miles in just over a year following his purchase, a figure that's largely unheard of in the world of sports cars in general.  

Photos: Matt Pridemore

Reliable Ride

The first question most will have given this information, of course, is just how reliable has this LC been over the past four years or so. According to Pridemore, aside from its fair share of rock chips, he hasn't faced any kind of unexpected issues, calling his coupe "mechanically sound."

Photos: Matt Pridemore

One Problem

However, Pridemore was a bit perturbed by the large number of rock chips the LC's front bumper seems to attract, which is why he dropped $6,000 on a custom matte gray vinyl wrap for the car, which not only hides that damage, but also prevents further chips from occurring. 

Photos: Matt Pridemore

Good Info

While we aren't terribly surprised by the fact that this LC has been quite reliable over the course of 200k miles - particularly given that its naturally-aspirated 5.0-liter V8 powerplant is a known entity - it is nice to see, particularly for those that might already own one for the long haul, or especially those looking to buy an LC - even if it does have some miles on the clock. 

Photos: Matt Pridemore

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