Lexus RC 350 Beats Out C8 Corvette In Comparison Test

Despite the C8's accolades, at least one person would buy an RC over it any day.

By Brett Foote - January 12, 2021
Lexus RC350 Beats Out C8 Corvette In Comparison Test
Lexus RC350 Beats Out C8 Corvette In Comparison Test
Lexus RC350 Beats Out C8 Corvette In Comparison Test
Lexus RC350 Beats Out C8 Corvette In Comparison Test
Lexus RC350 Beats Out C8 Corvette In Comparison Test
Lexus RC350 Beats Out C8 Corvette In Comparison Test
Lexus RC350 Beats Out C8 Corvette In Comparison Test

Crazy Comparison

The C8 Corvette is one of the hottest, most coveted cars on the planet, and has remained so for over a year now. This performance bargain is widely considered a revelation by most, which makes it seem crazy to even think that the Lexus RC350, though an excellent car in its own regard, could beat it in a comparison test. And yet, that's exactly what has happened over at The Philadelphia Inquirer.

Photo: Lexus

Three Way Battle

This comparison test actually involves not only the new Corvette and RC, but also the BMW 430i xDrive Coupe. On the surface, these cars may not seem terribly alike, but they all cost around $60k, so they're certainly in the same price range at least. Regardless, it isn't easy to find a C8 for its base price of just under that mark, and this tester cost a whopping $80k, which is notable.

Photo: Chevrolet

>>Join the conversation about the prowess of the RC 350 right here in the Club Lexus forum.

Interesting Points

One of the more interesting points our reviewer makes concerns just how much fun you can have in the Corvette on public roads. "The Corvette definitely handles curves and corners like a boss, but the fun falls apart with Corvette-like velocity every time you get behind another car." He also points to the old saying - "I’d rather drive a slower car fast than a fast car slow," as proof that sometimes, too much power can hamper a driving experience.

Photo: Lexus

>>Join the conversation about the prowess of the RC 350 right here in the Club Lexus forum.

Shocking Conclusion

Then there's the lack of storage space and the somewhat uncomfortable seats, which make the Corvette a bit less usable on road trips and even longer jaunts on the open roads. Thus, the reviewer comes to a somewhat shocking conclusion - "give me an RC or 4 Series Coupe any day," he says. 

Photo: Chevrolet

>>Join the conversation about the prowess of the RC 350 right here in the Club Lexus forum.

Real World

"It’s a new Corvette, and all the Corvette lovers are going to rip me a new one. The Corvette is awesome - for the track," the reviewer notes. "But here on planet Earth, the RC 350 and 4 Series both perform far better. The Lexus may be slower, but it’s far more enjoyable in normal driving, and the stereo sounds awesome."

Photo: Lexus

>>Join the conversation about the prowess of the RC 350 right here in the Club Lexus forum.

Splitting the Difference

"The 4 Series splits the acceleration difference, offers plenty of driving fun, and offers actual room for actual people, and saves $20,000. And people don’t bother you in either of these when you’re out for a drive," he concludes. It's an interesting take for sure, but we completely understand where he's coming from.

Photo: Chevrolet

>>Join the conversation about the prowess of the RC 350 right here in the Club Lexus forum.

Unpopular Opinion

After all, not everyone is willing to trade style for substance. The C8 is undoubtedly a great car, but it's expensive, especially right now with markups still happening. It's also more of a purpose-built machine that offers less in the way of luxury than the RC. So who can blame someone for having what is, right now, an incredibly unpopular opinion of these two cars?

Photo: Lexus

>>Join the conversation about the prowess of the RC 350 right here in the Club Lexus forum.

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