Lexus Sold Three Brand New LFAs in 2019

Lexus LFA sales were up 50% in 2019 despite the fact that the car has been out of production for years.

By Brett Foote - January 27, 2020
Lexus Sold Three Brand New LFAs in 2019
Lexus Sold Three Brand New LFAs in 2019
Lexus Sold Three Brand New LFAs in 2019
Lexus Sold Three Brand New LFAs in 2019
Lexus Sold Three Brand New LFAs in 2019
Lexus Sold Three Brand New LFAs in 2019
Lexus Sold Three Brand New LFAs in 2019

New Old Cars

As you already know, the Lexus LFA has been out of production for some years now. Only 500 of these amazing cars were ever produced, making each one special and very valuable. But amazingly, there were a dozen brand new, untitled LFAs remaining in dealer inventory as of a couple of years ago, as we recently reported. Slowly but surely, buyers have been scooping up these "new" cars, and 2019 saw three of them fly off the showroom floor, according to Toyota.

Photos: Lexus 

Sales Increase

Funny enough, that's a 50% sales increase over 2018 when two new LFAs were sold. And in case you were wondering, only 5 new ones remain now from the original 12. At the current rate, it'll be less than two years before all this new inventory dries up, but you have to wonder if it actually ever will.

Photos: Lexus 

>>Join the conversation about the recently sold LFAs right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Rare Opportunity

After all, these untitled LFAs are coming from dealerships, many of whom kept them as display showpieces or even for themselves, apparently. But we suppose you can't blame them for doing so. After all, how often does such an amazing halo car come around? For Lexus at least, the answer is only once in history (for now, anyway).

Photos: Lexus 

>>Join the conversation about the recently sold LFAs right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Technically Speaking

"These are older models that have been in dealerships, some are on display and some are held for dealer’s personal collections, etc.," said Corey Proffitt, Toyota and Lexus spokesman. "At some point this year, those dealers updated their records which changed the car’s status from dealer-owned to personal, which technically triggers a sale on the Lexus records."

Photos: Lexus 

>>Join the conversation about the recently sold LFAs right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Keeping Tabs

This obviously happens with cars other than the LFA, but few other manufacturers bother to keep track of these types of sales like Lexus does. At least in America. There could very well be new LFAs in other countries around the world, but Toyota doesn't have any data on them, unfortunately. 

Photos: Lexus

>>Join the conversation about the recently sold LFAs right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Prying Away

This all started when demand for the LFA tapered off in 2010 and Lexus allowed current owners to order a second car, as well as dealers and executives to buy extra ones for themselves or to sell at dealerships. Prying one away from one of these dealerships is obviously not an easy task, but there are a few parting ways with them now. Likely for big money, of course. 

Photos: Lexus

>>Join the conversation about the recently sold LFAs right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Decade Later

It's a fascinating story, of course, and one that we'll continue to monitor until the last new LFA is finally sold. At the current rate, that might just be a full decade after the car originally went on sale. And how many other supercars can lay claim to such an interesting statistic? 

Photos: Lexus.

>>Join the conversation about the recently sold LFAs right here in the ClubLexus forum.

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