Poor Lexus RX Completely Destroyed by Drag Racing Teens

Poor Lexus SUV gets airborne after pair of Florida teens lose control while racing another vehicle, and it was all caught on tape.

By Brett Foote - April 7, 2020
Poor Lexus RX Completely Destroyed by Drag Racing Teens
Poor Lexus RX Completely Destroyed by Drag Racing Teens
Poor Lexus RX Completely Destroyed by Drag Racing Teens
Poor Lexus RX Completely Destroyed by Drag Racing Teens
Poor Lexus RX Completely Destroyed by Drag Racing Teens
Poor Lexus RX Completely Destroyed by Drag Racing Teens
Poor Lexus RX Completely Destroyed by Drag Racing Teens

Doing Dumb Things

Kids will be kids, they say, and we see the world's youth doing dumb things all the time. Heck, we did some pretty dumb things when we were kids. That includes drag racing whatever car we could get our hands on, whether that be mom's grocery getter or our own early rides. Thankfully, however, we never wound up flipping and destroying a Lexus RX like a pair of Florida teens did recently.

Caught on Tape

Best of all, the entire incident was captured by a nearby security camera and narrated by CBS Miami in this incredible video. The teens and their race rival initially drive down the road to set up their showdown, which takes place on a very narrow piece of tarmac. That fact likely contributed at least a little bit to the carnage that was to come. 

>>Join the conversation about this new RX tragically ending right here in Club Lexus.

Losing Control

When both cars come back down the road at speed, it looks like the Lexus' foe gets a little too close, which obviously scares the RX driver and forces them over a bit too far toward the grass. At that point, they simply lose control and nearly slide into a mailbox before things get even worse.

>>Join the conversation about this new RX tragically ending right here in Club Lexus.

Bad to Worse

Thankfully, the Lexus misses the mailbox but instead slides into the ditch, at which point things go from bad to worse. There's a banked driveway ahead, one that doubles as a makeshift launch ramp for the SUV. But at this point, there's nothing even an experienced driver could do to avoid the lurking danger. 

>>Join the conversation about this new RX tragically ending right here in Club Lexus.

Dramatic Launch

The RX slams into the raised piece of ground and launches into the air, flipping over onto its roof before smashing down on the ground. Just behind the other car, thankfully, or things could have been even worse. The Lexus continues to roll over and spin on its tailgate before finally coming to a halt. 

>>Join the conversation about this new RX tragically ending right here in Club Lexus.

Incredible Outcome

Judging by the severity of the crash and the way the Lexus looks afterward, it's amazing that the driver and passenger escaped with only minor injuries, including some broken ribs for the driver. These teens were obviously lucky they were driving a Lexus known for being one of the safer vehicles on the road, and not something else. 

>>Join the conversation about this new RX tragically ending right here in Club Lexus.

Learning a Lesson

Thanks to this incredible outcome, we can safely use this dramatic crash as a useful PSA. If nothing else, this footage is a reminder of why racing on public roads is a bad idea for anyone, regardless of age or skill level. But it's also a reminder of one of the many reasons why we choose to drive a Lexus. When things do go bad, we love the peace of mind that comes from their intense focus on safety. 

>>Join the conversation about this new RX tragically ending right here in Club Lexus.

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