Purist Group Winter Toy Drive 2019 Spreads Holiday Cheer

Purist Group's annual toy drive always brings out folks with big hearts, but also some pretty cool rides, too.

By Brett Foote - December 26, 2019
Purist Group Winter Toy Drive 2019 Spreads Holiday Cheer
Purist Group Winter Toy Drive 2019 Spreads Holiday Cheer
Purist Group Winter Toy Drive 2019 Spreads Holiday Cheer
Purist Group Winter Toy Drive 2019 Spreads Holiday Cheer
Purist Group Winter Toy Drive 2019 Spreads Holiday Cheer
Purist Group Winter Toy Drive 2019 Spreads Holiday Cheer
Purist Group Winter Toy Drive 2019 Spreads Holiday Cheer

Good Cause

It's officially that time of year when we get to make our wish lists for our loved ones, as well as buy them all the things they've been eyeballing all year. But for automotive enthusiasts, now is also a great time to give to those who're less fortunate. Toy drives are going on all over the country right now, and Super Street was able to take in the always awesome Purist Group Winter Drive recently in Los Angeles, where they also spotted some pretty sweet rides. 

Photos: Super Street

Perfect Location

The annual Winter Drive has been held at a few different locations over the years but seems to have settled in nicely at the Industry Hill Expo Center. That venue offers up plenty of room for activities, amid the suburbs and local golf course and resort. 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about the Purist Group's 2019 Toy Drive right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Dampening Things

Unfortunately, rainy weather seemed to dampen attendance compared to last year's event, which was packed to the gills and even caused a traffic jam. Not that that's hard to do in SoCal. Of course, there were still plenty of cool cars present to check out, even in less-than-ideal conditions. 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about the Purist Group's 2019 Toy Drive right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Casual Affair

Much like your typical cars and coffee event anywhere in the U.S., the Winter Meet is a casual affair taking place on a Sunday morning. Cars and gawkers showed up at random times throughout the day, some simply moving between other meets and shows taking place at the same time.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about the Purist Group's 2019 Toy Drive right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Greatest Hits

The cars that did show up covered a pretty wide spectrum of the automotive universe. We spotted everything from exotic supercars to highly modified imports and pretty much everything in between. Almost like a greatest hits collection for the already diverse region, if you will. 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about the Purist Group's 2019 Toy Drive right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Small Window

Thankfully, there was a lull in the rain for most of the morning, but it started falling again around lunchtime. Not that most SoCal residents are going to complain come the dry season, of course. And at least fans had a few hours to check out these cool rides and drop off a few generous gifts.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about the Purist Group's 2019 Toy Drive right here in the ClubLexus forum.

Making Someone's Day

Attendance may have been down a bit, but it's clear that it'll take more than rain to quell the frenzy of automotive enthusiasts living in Southern California. Not to mention keep the area's many kindhearted folks from doing their part to put a smile on a child's face come Christmas time.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about the Purist Group's 2019 Toy Drive right here in the ClubLexus forum.

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