Race Service Hosts Lexus-Only One Night Event in L.A.

Lexus fans rarely get to enjoy brand-exclusive enthusiast meet ups, but Race Service is working to end that oversight.

By Brett Foote - December 11, 2019
Race Service Hosts Lexus-Only One Night Event in L.A.
Race Service Hosts Lexus-Only One Night Event in L.A.
Race Service Hosts Lexus-Only One Night Event in L.A.
Race Service Hosts Lexus-Only One Night Event in L.A.
Race Service Hosts Lexus-Only One Night Event in L.A.
Race Service Hosts Lexus-Only One Night Event in L.A.
Race Service Hosts Lexus-Only One Night Event in L.A.

Lexus Only

Far too often, Lexus fans watch in envy as enthusiasts of brands like Honda enjoy countless brand-exclusive meet ups. And that's a shame, really. Thankfully, an automotive enthusiast group dubbed Race Service recently worked to right that wrong by hosting a Lexus-only meet up in Los Angeles that they called "Lucid." And Super Street was on hand to capture all of the action on film.  

Photos: Super Street

Small but Passionate

Granted, Lexus enthusiasts represent a smaller fan base than, say, Honda, Toyota, or Mazda. But we're a passionate group regardless, and VIP culture is made up largely of Lexus vehicles. That passion was clearly on display at Lucid, which featured five incredibly detailed builds that were rather diverse as well. 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about this secret one night only Lexus event right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Fine Five

Those fine five included Dana Balthasar's newly-wrapped Pandem RC FJay Cray's Liberty Walk LC500 Steve Wong's LS400, a gorgeous black LFA, and the public debut of Super Street's off-road-focused Project UX. In addition, the event also served up a slew of tacos and beers for all the thirsty and hungry Lexus fans in attendance.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about this secret one night only Lexus event right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Ground Hugger

Lexus brought out a few of the older cars with a VIP twist on them to tug at the elbows of fans who have a soft spot for the classics. 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about this secret one night only Lexus event right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Wild, Wide Ride

While it's difficult to pick a favorite of the bunch, Cray's LC 500 fitted with a Liberty Walk body kit is hard to bet against. The wild ride has left no stone unturned in its amazing transformation, which includes the requisite massive rolling stock to go with a stunning matte finish for those edgy body panels.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about this secret one night only Lexus event right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Major Changes

Balthasar's RC F is also a serious contender, especially with its brand new wrap job. Not that the car looked terrible previously, as it featured a crazy color-change treatment that enabled it to feature a different hue at every single angle. But we're digging its brand new duds just as much.

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about this secret one night only Lexus event right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

Long Overdue

Then again, you can't really beat an LFA, even without mods. It was nice to see the Lexus community hogging the spotlight, if for only one night. And we can only hope that Race Service (or anyone else willing to do the work) puts together more Lexus-only events in the future. After all, these sorts of things are long overdue! 

Photos: Super Street

>>Join the conversation about this secret one night only Lexus event right here in the Club Lexus Forum!

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