Strange but Cool Lexus Concept Interiors to Lull Over

Lexus' LF-Z gets three concept interiors designed by three different artists.

By Brett Foote - May 13, 2021
Strange but Cool Lexus Concept Interiors to Lull Over
Strange but Cool Lexus Concept Interiors to Lull Over
Strange but Cool Lexus Concept Interiors to Lull Over
Strange but Cool Lexus Concept Interiors to Lull Over
Strange but Cool Lexus Concept Interiors to Lull Over
Strange but Cool Lexus Concept Interiors to Lull Over

Artistic Interiors

Lexus' LF-Z Electrified Concept signals the start of the automaker's transition to all-electric power, but it's more than just a preview of the future - the LF-Z is also a pretty interesting design study in its own regard. This is especially true of the interior, which Lexus served up as a blank canvas for three different designers, who each came up with their own artistic idea of what it should look like.

Photos: Lexus

Challenging the Status Quo

The standard LF-Z cabin is quite futuristic as-is, but Lexus wanted to push the proverbial envelope and think outside the box, which is somewhat unusual for any legacy automaker. Regardless, that was precisely the idea behind this project - to take a new approach to design, a synergy between art, fashion, lifestyle, and technology that challenges the status quo of the automotive space. 

Photos: Lexus

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Organic and Bright

The first design comes from award-winning footwear designer Salehe Bembury, whose interior concept uses a nature-inspired design that blends a futuristic aesthetic with organic materials alongside his signature use of bright color. "I want this car to feel like a seamless juxtaposition of machine and nature," Bembury said. "Equally utilizing the function of the machine and the benefits and nature to fuel and nurture the passengers to their destination."

Photos: Lexus

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Designed by Machines

Digital artist Ondrej Zunka's concept interior features space-age mechanisms, sci-fi materials, and multidimensional hues that transcend both time and space. "This interior design is purely speculative so I allowed for free associations and pure imagination and creativity," Zunka said. "I wanted to make the interior feel as if it wasn't made by humans, but maybe designed by a sophisticated artificial intelligence. I wanted to go past any known language and design concepts and forget about what is usually used in automotive interior design."

Photos: Lexus

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Changing Over Time

Tokyo-based fashion label Hender Scheme imagines an entirely leather interior with untreated, organic material that will develop a patina over time, deepening in color and becoming unique to each vehicle. The concept reflects the passage of time and the driver's relationship to the vehicle.

Photos: Lexus

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Previewing the Future

"LF-Z Electrified embodies the future of the Lexus brand, so it is exciting to see that future represented by such diverse talent across the design space," said Brian Bolain, general manager at Lexus International. "Each of the collaborators brings a fresh energy that not only reinterprets the interior of the LF-Z but also examines the themes of Lexus' next chapter."  

Photos: Lexus

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